Not every business is the same, and at Removals Manager we understand that. So with that in mind our system is designed to be as flexible as possible to accommodate your removals and storage needs.
Within the details of each removal alone there are over 80 fields of information you can either choose to use or ‘turn off’. If you turn a field off, you need never see that within your system again. For example, if you don’t quote for mileage costs separately and prefer to give your customers an ‘all in’ price, you can simply hide the fields associated with mileage. Should your business needs change, you can switch any dormant fields back on, thereby making your Removals Manager platform genuinely customisable.
In addition, Removals Manager allows you to manage your staff resources, vehicle resources, survey lists, branches, Reallymoving and Pinlocal integration, storage and crate hire parameters, and many, many other additional areas of business. You can even re-colour all the key areas of the system (diary, job lists etc) to suits your personal tastes.
To sum up, our policy is ‘not all businesses are the same, so why should everyone’s platform be the same?’