Uncheckable financial fields
Option to make not possible for you customers to opt out of a service on the online acceptance facility.

Online reject quote facility
If your customer decides to decline their quote we now have a facility for them to do so via an online facility so you can try to harvest information as to why they declined your quote and so that you know that you no longer need to keep contacting them.

Sign-off questionnaire via email
The job satisfaction and sign-off questionnaire can now be emailed to your customer to be completed at their leisure rather than only on site on the day of the removal.

Bespoke report
We now have the facility to produce custom reports showing breakdowns pf services and which ones your customers are taking up and which ones they are turning down

New website plugin
Several clients have asked in the past if you can have more control over the appearance of the website plugin – well now you can!

Notes and prompting for callbacks
In the notes section for a customer now if you have already set a chase up or scheduled a call RM will now prompt you with a new window on the screen to set a new chase if you wish.

New monthly storage system
A brand new and improved storage system

SMS to lead generators
Option to automatically send potential customers a custom SMS when leads come in from Lead generators